Yahoo! Avatars

Friday, March 28, 2008

Thing 5

Pewter Uppercase Letter T Pewter Ransom Font H Brass Letter I S i003 IMG_9029 A C Pewter Lowercase Letter r Patmos square 3 Vintage LEGO Letter Z Y A blue Y The letter T O the B platform wide u R N Wooden Tag P R Red E DSC_1209 I O U Copper Lowercase Letter s T I m E p.e.r.i.o.d

'Nuff said, I think.

(But just in case it's not.... Really! Who has time to sit and play with things like this? I'd LOVE to, but I just can't. Work, grad school, laundry--too much to do! No wonder my students aren't getting their homework done at home! They're using Flickr mashups!)

1 comment:

Captain Crone said...

I think a nice aspect of this project is that you try 23 Things but then you will end up only continuing with the Things you really find useful and have time to do. It is just a sort of smorgasbord. :-) You only go back for seconds once you decide what you like best.